Through-Hole Assembly
Several years ago, Surf-Tech moved away from older wave soldering systems and moved towards the future with selective soldering equipment. Surf-Tech’s primary through-hole soldering process is centered around 3 – Pillarhouse Jade selective soldering systems. Soldering either with tin/lead or lead-free the machines contain nozzles as small as 1.5 mm that allow tight through-hole soldering. All three machines are meticulously maintained and utilize options such as: auto-fidicual correction, wave height verification and drop-jet fluxing to ensure the solder joints are well soldered meeting IPC or customer specifications. Programs are generated offline and sent to the machines ahead of assembly.

Surf-Tech has many different lead forming and cutting machines for component prepping and installation. Whether it’s IC Straightening, raised resistor bends or ensuring meniscus stays out of the soldering holes, we’ve got it covered!